Nestled in the Welsh countryside, traditional farming is meeting cutting-edge renewable energy technology in one...
Limejump, the energy tech platform, has strengthened its senior management team with the appointment of...
Limejump & Muirhall EnergyIn September 2020, Muirhall Energy awarded Limejump a three-year contract to trade...
Since the start of January, Limejump, part of Shell’s Renewables & Energy Solutions division, has...
Market pulse
EUA Carbon PriceUnprecedented volatility within the forward power marketThis week began in line with recent...
Since the start of the year, Limejump’s power platform has grown 25% and for the...
The UK energy industry is currently undergoing a much-needed renewable generation revolution to reach Net...
Market pulse
Gas prices rocket upwards and bring power prices with them tooEver since March, forward and...
Market pulse
Low wind and a glimmer of solar set the backdrop to high system pricesThe UK...
Market pulse
A shift in the pressure system disrupts the marketsFollowing a long spell of sunny weather...
Every week this year has, so far, witnessed some excitement in the power market. In...
Limejump & Muirhall EnergyIn September 2020, Muirhall Energy awarded Limejump a three-year contract to trade...
Limejump & Bluefield SolarListed in London in 2013, the Bluefield Solar Income Fund (‘Bluefield Solar’)...
Vento Ludens & Limejump Vento Ludens has a portfolio of solar, wind and hydro power...
Market pulse
We have seen some very high prices (£200/MWh) in the prompt market this week, due...
Market pulse
On Monday, the UK set an exciting new record for the lowest ever carbon intensity...