Malaby Biogas Limited

Case Study

Malaby Biogas is a pioneering Anaerobic Digestion plant in the UK. Brothers, Toby and Thomas Minter embarked on the ambitious project in 2011 with a vision of converting organic waste (food waste) to renewable energy at their property at Bore Hill Farm, Wiltshire. This site has generated around 47,500,000kWh of energy since it was commissioned, which is enough to power nearly 17,000 homes for a year. The site has also been highly commended by the UK Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA), an association that Limejump is also a proud member of.






CO2 Saved



Bio Fertiliser Produced

Our Partnership

In 2015, Limejump entered the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) market seeking trailblazing customers such as Malaby Biogas. In the autumn of that year, Malaby Biogas signed one of Limejump’s first PPAs in a milestone deal for both companies as they embarked on a journey towards creating a 100% renewable energy future.

For the last 6 years, Malaby Biogas Limited has continued to choose Limejump as their PPA provider. Limejump’s Fixed PPA gives them price certainty for the duration of the contract while allowing flexibility to choose contract periods according to their own wishes. In declining markets, it protects them against any future energy price drops and in rising markets shorter contract terms allow them to step up with the market; if the wholesale market price fluctuates up or down. Malaby Biogas has benefited from Limejump’s market insight, enabling them to maximise the value of their generation assets, by fixing their power price for varying periods at opportune times. The Account Management team at Limejump take great pride in renewing PPA contracts with longstanding customers such as Malaby Biogas when the power price is high. A great example of this occurred in May 2021 when the team reached out to Malaby Biogas to inform them of the high prices, as a result, the client was able to take advantage of a great energy price, almost twice the rate of the previous year.

“Our partnership with Limejump has been just that, a partnership. We have collaborated since day one helping to maintain competitiveness and deliver a ground-breaking power management portal. Limejump’s accounts and customer services team have continually provided assistance and advice, whether that be regarding a renewal, invoice & billing queries or market insights. The customer portal has been great helping ease our asset management, invoice reconciliation with performance data and providing regular market updates to inform our decision making. We look forward to continuing our partnership and efforts to power the UK with renewable energy.”  – Thomas Minter, Director

Added Value

Helping Limejump develop their award-winning portal was an attractive proposition for Malaby Biogas. It hosts pricing data and billing, keeping our customers updated on how their assets are performing both financially and operationally. Customers can access the portal 24/7, enabling them to review their monthly invoices, assess historical performance, and importantly access information on live energy prices to inform their decisions on renewing or extending their PPA contract – around the clock account management. Malaby Biogas gave us invaluable insight as a customer on what the portal should contain and how it should function.

Limejump also provides added value via its unique route to market at fair and competitive prices. Limejump can achieve this through their sophisticated commercial offering, strong balance sheet and technology platform, which uses advanced analytics to help forecast their generation. This ensures that the team at Malaby Biogas can focus on their core business.

Our partnership with Malaby Biogas is a cherished one, we have worked together for a number of years, and hopefully many more to come. Collaborating with like-minded.